Scienceworks, Melbourne

A few weeks ago I woke up in foul humour, I know hard to believe! I needed to get out of the house so my boys would make it through the day unscathed. I packed them into the car without a word, and 20 minutes later we were at Scienceworks. We rushed in the door and I grabbed a coffee while the boys ran wild in the playground for an hour. Don’t understate the power of coffee, ever!!

After my caffeine induced yang returned we went to look around. There is always something to look at in Scienceworks and we were in luck, the Megawatt exhibit was running. Here children learn all about electricity in a very hands on way.



Checking out which metals are the best conductors of electricity.



Mesmerised by the power of the wind.



Racing to see who can spin this gismo fastest. Why does everything turn into a competition with boys?



After the Megawatt exhibit, we did the things we always do at Scienceworks. First up was a race for victory. Yes, boys competing again. They never manage to beat the skinny chick in the green swimsuit, but God love them for trying!!



IrishKing decided to take on the climbing wall. He got all the way to the top of the ‘huge’ structure, got stuck and called, “I can’t get down …I might fall ALL the way to the ground….”



Lucky his big brother was there to pick him right off the wall, and rescue him from the ‘great’ height. When they were all younger I was the one waiting around to help them, but now I am so lucky to have my oldest take over that job.



If I hadn’t had a coffee these would have been the last words uttered by this son, “Look Mum, a rotary phone. You would have to be REALLY old to remember these!!”


Thanks Scienceworks for once again rescuing my sanity, and saving my children from the Crank Monster.

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