snow patrol

IrishWrath on the slopes
IrishDoom had a really bad night last night. He had a sore throat and looked terrible this morning. IrishCyborg wasn’t 100% either, but after some consideration we decided that IrishMum and IrishWrath could ski whilst the rest of us hung round the cabin. Thankfully the new cabin is quite tranquil and set in a great location. If we hadn’t switched yesterday this blog post would have been titled “Cabin Fever” (or “Driving to San Diego with a car full of cranks”).
I dropped IrishMum and IrishWrath off and brought the rest home, then we played board games and IrishDoom went for a sleep. IrishMum thought the ski conditions were good plus she wasn’t constantly getting knocked down by snowboarders (like in Falls Creek). She insisted on IrishWrath skiing the right way, rather than being the downhill speed merchant he (and his brothers) normally is. I picked them up for lunch and by then they were both tired out. It was hot today, IrishMum said that she didn’t need the ski jacket and I saw people in the town walking along the street wearing shorts & tee-shirt!

snowy…the snowman
After lunch IrishDoom picked up a bit, so we went for a ramble through the woods beside the cabin to collect pine cones for expert log fire starting. Next task was to build a snowman in the yard, complete with stick arms and carrot nose….it was the best snowman I’ve ever contributed to. Whilst snowman building was in progress a snowball fight broke out… IrishMum instigated it and then refused to be drawn into combat (preferring to remain neutral… like North Korea).

Shortly after this image was captured the innocent photographer got hit by snow attack
Still four against one were OK odds for me as long as I maintained the upper ground and kept my nerve against the poor aiming ability of the enemy. IrishWrath eventually realised my tactic of just throwing as much and as quickly as possible, which lost my advantage, then IrishMum threw snow down my back in a sneak attack (again not entirely unlike Nth Korea). We came home for dinner, then I drove into town with IrishCyborg to get some essentials and to look for a board game he wanted, but alas it wasn’t in stock at the Kmart on mountain.

IrishCyborg and a Bear