the long and winding road… to san diego
We are now back on flat ground at San Diego. IrishMum went skiing this morning, on her own because none of the eligible children wanted to ski. I dropped her up, then came back to serve up breakfast and start packing our stuff. It was a busy morning.

no photos from me today – I got this shot of the road (SR38) from google
I picked her up at lunch time, after which the guy who owns the cabin called to invite us up to his house before leaving; he showed us some pictures he had captured on a motion-sensor camera outside the cabin we stayed at – there was a bear going through the rubbish. We had a pleasant afternoon chatting with him and his wife before heading out of bear country along a twisty winding road down the mountain. I didn’t see much of the view but what I did see was spectacular. IrishMum said the drive down was less scary than the way up. The highest elevation point on the way was 8438 ft. Once off the mountain there was some bad traffic around LA, which couldn’t be avoided by using car pool lanes. Half way to San Diego we the kids started getting hungry (probably because they arked up about the soup I made for lunch!) so we decided to consult the magical GPS to locate the nearest Ruby’s Diner (we found it last year when in Carlsbad – and loved it). The trusty GPS proved to be about as reliable as a neutral parent in a snowball fight and led us to a freeway heading to who knows where. We found a nearby TGI Fridays and made do with that.
We arrived in San Diego at night so didn’t get to see much of the city. The area we are staying in looks pleasant…almost European, but again it is dark so I can’t be sure. The area is called La Jolla…I asked and was told that the correct pronunciation is “La Hoya” so we can now avoid the typical tourist mispronounciations often heard in Howth, Chapelizod, Geelong and Highett.