Céad Míle Fáilte!
A hundred thousand welcomes
We are an Irish family of four boys, two dogs, three ferrets, and parents, IrishMum and IrishDev. We’ve lived in Australia since 2006 and have homeschooled for most of that time. This blog is a rambling account of our lives, our kids, our dogs, and our homeschool. You can read about why we homeschool here. We like reading….we really like it a lot! Our house has several thousand books stored, perused and well read by six avid readers.
The Irish translation for “At School” is “Ar Scoil” which is pronounced Air Skull, that is where the name comes from. We started a blog as a diary of our first family holiday to California and Florida in 2011, and subsequent holiday to California in 2012, and move it all here to our new blog this year.
We are using our children’s Khan Academy handles for the purpose of this blog.