Toilet Roll Monsters
I showed you a couple of weeks ago the reindeer that my boys have been making with toilet rolls. This was not their toilet roll first love. I have asked my younger two IrishKing, aged 9, and IrishDoom, aged 10, to share with you how they primarily use toilet rolls. The following is written by them.
You can use toilet rolls for many different purposes, like for example you know .. the obvious…. holding toilet paper… that is very useful. We also like to make reindeer, bats, birds and trees.
We like to focus on Toilet Roll Monsters. We’ve got over seventy Toilet Roll Monsters, which is no surprise in a family of six, we get through a heap of toilet rolls. We make Gruesome Goblins,
Fantastic Fruit Men,
Murderous Mermaids,
and Big Bob.
Big Bob isn’t actually a toilet roll, we didn’t find a giant’s bathroom, and rob his toilet roll. We were running out of room on our shelf, so we decided to make Big Bob, as a stand. He is based on the Goblin King from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
We can’t fit all of our Monsters on top of Big Bob, so there is storage inside of him.
We make dumb ones,
happy ones (not everyone is a monster, you know!),
angry ones,
and all together they make an army.
And our monsters even have their own special book.
So here is Big Bob, the monsters, and us.