hotel california
We are getting into the Californian timezone slowly…the kids still slept passed 8am and we had to wake them before breakfast was stopped at the buffet. We thought about doing some stuff around Carlsbad but IrishMum had read on the forums that traffic can get quite heavy on the San Diego – LA Freeway from 3pm to 8pm, so we chilled by the pool in the hotel till lunch, then headed back to Ruby’s diner for one last burger (with fold up cars!). We got some Haagen-Dazs after.
Leaving Carlsbad at 2pm, our SatNav guided us back up to LA in two hours, where we checked into our third hotel.

Our Hotel had a Led Zepplin Theme!
As I was signing the forms “Hotel California” was playing…I’d have thought there would be some sort of restriction against letting that get played in hotels here (for good taste alone), but then again I never thought I’d see a movie about a plane crashing whilst on a plane (“Day and Knight” was showing on the way over).
We finished the day off with a trip to Barnes and Noble bookstore. IrishMum was thrilled with the selection and the boys picked a few books to read whilst on hols. IrishDoom wanted a graphic novel of Dracula – which he proceeded to read whilst we looked through some other shops; he had it finished by the time we were home! IrishWrath and IrishCyborg both were reading the whole time from Barnes and Noble home.
Tomorrow we fly out to Orlando, and skip forward another three hours…we are gonna be in for some shock on the 29 hour trip home!