Hotel Kleptomaniac?

Do you remember that episode of Friends where Chandler and Ross take a lot of things from a hotel as revenge for not getting the room they booked. After Chandler takes the salt & pepper shakers Ross explains what is stealing, and what isn’t. Taking the salt & pepper shakers would be theft, but to appropriate the salt inside wouldn’t. Hilarious.

While staying in a hotel last week, one of my boys marvelled at the disposable shower caps. “What are these inventive things that keep my hair dry in the shower? What amazing advance in convenience.” He marvelled at the same shower caps last year.

This year, while we were packing up to leave, he asked me if we could take the 4 shower caps that were still in the bathroom. Having acquired a nice little collection of hotel soaps in my youth, I said yes.




He’s keeping them for when he really, really doesn’t want his hair to get wet. Maybe I should get him a non-disposable shower cap? Nah, he’d never wash his hair.


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