I can see clearly now the rain has gone

Pic-a-nic lunch…coz we is smarter than the average bear
Today was goldilocks weather; not too hot… not too cold…& no rain all day… just right! We hit the other Disney park a little later than yesterday but stayed later too.
They have a fast pass system where you can book a queue jump for one ride at a time. You get a ticket with an alloted time after which the queue jump can be made…quite handy for us as we could pick the things our kids wanted to do the most and get them through those rides quicker.
IrishKing, IrishCyborg and IrishDoom all got a taste for coasters on the California Screamin’ coaster – which has a loop…that they loved. For lunch we had brought another picnic in a pic-a-nic basket.
We took in a few shows, bugs life & Soaring over California, and in the evening we crossed back to yesterday’s park to try to get through the star wars ride again but the queue was too long, so we went for the Buzz Lightyear astroid blaster….which IrishMum got the highest score on (for the second day running…some of our children suspect foul play on her part)
