Make your Own Birthday Cakes
IrishDoom counted down the days to his big day, and last Friday couldn’t come quickly enough. Now, on a normal school morning getting out of bed is a slow process. He often lies in bed for a few minutes waking up, taking his time to greet the day. Sometimes he needs a shake to get up, and always complains that THIS time in the morning is too early, and unnatural. Funnily, last Friday he was up before the alarm, makes you wonder doesn’t it?
IrishDoom decided he wanted to make his own birthday cake. Since I had completely forgotten about a cake, I was happy to oblige. How would a cake turn out without baking powder? hmm… only one way to find out!
Crack some eggs. Who doesn’t love cracking eggs? Drop some shell in. Egg shells have got to have some goodness in them, right? Fiber even?
Mixy, mix.
Add some sugar… a little more than Mum says to make sure the cake is sweet.
Some precision measuring.
Lick the spoon. If you can’t lick the spoon while making your own birthday cake, then when can you? The real question should be did he use the spoon again? Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.
Add in goes lots of cacao powder. A few tablespoons should do.
Have a lot of fun mixing it up by hand, even though the electric mixer would do it in 5 seconds.
Add some almond flour.
Oops a spill.
Scoop that mess up,
and stick it into the mixture. Waste not, want not.
After that cake goes in the oven, make another cake. This time, to speed things up, use a blender.
After a hard day’s baking, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Even Panda was looking forward to some cake.
The second cake IrishDoom made. Can you guess what it was?