They Are Growing Up So Fast
My grandmother was forever telling me to enjoy the moment. “Enjoy today, tomorrow comes too fast”, and “Life speeds up as you get older, don’t wish your life away” she would say. I didn’t believe her, and still wished for Christmases, birthdays, and holidays. Now I know she was right, as she always was.
Life with my boys is going at lightening speed. One day my youngest is not much more than a baby feeding the kangaroos,
and then what seems like the next day he a nine year old feeding them. He is still my baby, but don’t tell him I told you!
One day we had four little boys at Ballarat Wildlife Park,
then in 2011, bigger little boys at the Wildlife Park,
and now we have three little boys and one nearly a man.
For St Patrick’s Day, you saw three boys running around playing in The Canyon and feeding the kangaroos. The last time we were at that park, I had four little boys running around playing in The Canyon and feeding the kangaroos. Last time the four of them ran together and played together. This time my oldest walked with me, chatted with me, and kept me company. Where has the time gone? I love having a beautiful, kind, funny man to talk to, to laugh with, but I also miss my little boy.
Here he is in 2011, feeding the kangaroos. “Mammy look, it’s eating right out of my hand”, spoken with so much exaltation that I remember nearly crying.
The other day while at the park, his experience with the kangaroos was a little different. It went more like:
Me: What don’t you feed the kangaroos?
Him: Nope, they stink!
Me: I know you love it here!!
Him: Yeah right, I hate outside stuff, and flies, and animal poop. (There was a lot of animal poop. If you ever visit Ballarat Wildlife Park wear closed in shoes!)
He didn’t enjoy the animals, the flies, or the poop, but what he did enjoy is family time. My little boy who ran, and jumped, and rolled in the mud has grown into a life long companion, who laughs willingly, loves heartily, and whom I have just to think of to smile. I am grateful for that, for him.
A special thank you to my amazing husband for coding the new-look blog. IrishDev you are amazing! If anyone has any problems with the new design please let us know. Unfortunately this type of site doesn’t always look good in IE, and there isn’t much IrishDev can do about it without spending a heap of time on it. Sorry IE users. You could always go to Chrome, Firefox, or the latest version of IE 🙂