tooth fairy
Seaworld have a deal where you can buy a pass to come any day for the year (excepting certain holidays and busy times) for the same price as a single day entry. That’s what we got this morning. The real benefit to us is that we can come and go as we please for the next week. It opens at 10, and having finished breakfast early we arrived there in plenty of time. Seaworld in San Diego is much more about the animals than the sister parks in Florida or Queensland. It’s one of the few theme parks were I reckon the rides in the Australian version are actually better. They do however have the Orcas, and the original Shamu. We started the day off with the kids riding a boat/coaster several times which got them wet. They have family dryers which easily fitted our four. The kids next had a run out in the sesame street play area (with net climbing and other stuff to tire them out). After Ice cream and a ride in the sky tower we stopped by the Orcas where there was a “Dine with Shamu” scheduled. We stayed to watch from the underwater viewing platform. They really are fascinating animals, and second only to humans in their adaptabilty to the environment they are in. We stayed till nearly 2pm then left for a late lunch.
We finished up lunch popped into Target to get that board game IrishCyborg was after at Bear Lake and started back to the Hotel. I got a bit confused by the spagetti road system; the danged GPS must have said “recalculating…” a dozen times. So I took us on an impromptu driving tour of San Diego. When we got back to the Hotel, IrishKing announced that his tooth was wobbly. He subsequently updated the tooth status to “has fallen out”. It is unclear whether or not there was any assistance given to the tooth to help it fall out. IrishDoom arked up that he is “freaked out by the tooth fairy” which is quite understandable when you consider the ability of a magical being to enter your house unchecked and take your tooth from under the pillow… he is sleeping in our bed tonight! IrishKing on the other hand, does not get freaked out by the tooth fairy, rather he uses visits such as tonight’s to hatch plans for the capture of said being. One time, a few months back, he planned to capture the tooth fairy using a woolen trap. The intent was to ransom her freedom for $20M… Aretmis Fowl watch out. Don’t underestimate the inventiveness of a seven year old criminal mastermind.