Valentine’s Day

My first year with IrishDev he sent me the mandatory first-year-together Valentine’s Day bunch of roses. I loved the gesture, and the thought but the spending on over priced flowers on one day bothers my stingy soul, besides I am not a mushy mush type. I did, however, dry out those roses, frame them, and have treasured them ever since. I did love those flowers IrishDev, truly 🙂 For me love is a daily act, a kiss good-bye, a “Do you want a cup of coffee”,  and being an all round great partner, not a bunch of flowers.



So for Valentine’s Day my boys are encouraged to make their gifts, hand-made card speaks volumes to me, I love to see their personalities in everything they make. I was deciding yesterday if I should show them some crafts on Pinterest, but I didn’t bother in the end; they were too busy making their own creations. They gave me my presents and they had a special day shopping planned for me. I will tell you about the shopping some other day.



A beautiful bouquet of flowers and they won’t die on me in five days.

Valentine's day 2014


Though I have three craft loving sons, my oldest despises anything remotely arty.  He made me this card. Looks familiar, right? He made me the same card last year.  He says he has the perfect card, minimal work, but it still has LOVE written all over it.

Valentine's day 2014


My boys know I love little trinket boxes, so I got this lovely silver effect box. The love is in the details.

Valentine's day 2014


Medieval times lent some inspiration to these cards by IrishDoom.

Valentine's day 2014


What woman doesn’t love castles?



Look at this masterpiece by IrishKing. You know what they say, “Love is like a river”, and my river is flowing deep with love for these precious boys.

Valentine's day 2014


I hope you had a beautiful Valentine’s day with or without the gifts. Sharing the day with people you love is all that really matters. If you want to know what I gave my boys for this special day? Well, I gave them the day off, and they were delighted with that.



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