who loves the sun?
Today was sunny, it was Friday and a whole load of people had ideas of visiting Disney. It was also the last day of our passes. We don’t like queues much (as I may have mentioned previously) and we felt we’d seen most of what we wanted from Disney so we ambled over to the park around 10 ish and stayed till about 3.

The source of water contamination
We queued for a few things, grabbed a few sets of fast passes, then took a ride on the monorail over to the Disney shopping district, where the kids managed to find a Lego shop! We had one bottle of water (the park has loads of water fountains so you don’t need to carry a bottle when in the park) which the kids shared. After a while there was reported water contamination and several refusals to drink from the bottle. This kind of thing often happens with us, usually there are four possible contaminators, today one of them stood out. After taking the monorail back into the park we split up to avail of the fastpasses , IrishMum & IrishWrath went to space mountain whilst I took the other three to Thunder Mountain Rail Road.

Thumbs up for Thunder Mountain Rail Road
After the park we were tired but still took a trip to check out the local Costco (we still haven’t been to the new one in Melbourne so it has a novelty appeal)…or so we thought; the GPS took us to a house somewhere in the middle of a residential estate “Now arriving at destination on right”….yeah right. We gave it a few more tries then gave up and went to Target.
Tomorrow is hotel changing day!