Why does it always rain on my kids? Disneyland.
Today was a Disneyland day. Not that we are much of a Disney family but they have Pixar and are affiliated with Lucas film so they have a star wars simulator which was really good.

score one for the rebel alliance
I was really taken aback by the amount of adults at the park who really buy into the “Disney is magic” line…some of them didn’t even have kids with them! The morning was nice, although there were a few clouds in the sky so we made sure to pack the rain ponchos.

Help me Obiwan Kenobe…you’re our only hope
Our itinerary for the day had been planned out by IrishMum from discussion boards, first stop was the star wars simulator in the “Tomorrowland” section of the park. It was great, there was a rebel spy on board, and my money was on it being IrishKing because he has that shifty look about him. We also took a stroll through the innovations centre, a kind of “science works” type interactive play area with exhibits about how people will live in the future. There was a Micheal Jackson dancing game of the Xbox which gave the player a ghostly blue look. I gave it my best shot! We decided to wait till after lunch for the Jedi training show, as we wanted to go through the other busy rides first.
Around about this time we decided to dispense with the schedule and just wander Disneyland. For lunch we had brought our own food which we ate at the picnic area. It started raining while we ate and the area was only partly covered. We pulled out the ponchos (which IrishKing kept calling punkos) and took a circuit of the park on the Disney train. The rain started clearing the park of guests…which meant we had smaller queues in the afternoon, but IrishMum and the kids were wearing crocs so their feet got really wet and cold. After a few trips on the outside rides we headed back to Tomorrowland to revisit the star wars and space mountain rides, these are indoor so the lines were bigger but still less than 15 minutes waits. Rain meant that we missed the Jedi training show, perhaps another day. We stayed till 6:30 (park closes at 8)

Rain Punkos…do you feel lucky? huh…do ya?