A Wolf Spider Pet.
I met a lovely woman today. She was at the Homeschool Gardening Co-op that my boys are attending. We chit chatted for a while, this and that, blah, blah, blah, you know how it goes. Then, on hearing about our huntsman visitor and IrishWraths’s huge fear of spiders, she proceeded to recount her memoirs regarding a wolf spider.
The story began when she was a teenager living in the bush(countryside for all you non-Australians), where the likes of Crocodile Dundee and Bindi live. One day, she saw a wolf spider in her bedroom, and instead of running for a Spider Killer like the rest of us, her spider senses took over and she decided to leave it be. She informed all her family about its presence, and told them it was under her protection. Over the next 3 years a wolf spider lived happily under her bed.
She gave us a few merry anecdotes proclaiming this spider’s intelligence, it’s ability to recognise different people, it’s agility, and it’s wit. I’m joking about the wit, but I was half expecting it! Bloody amazing stuff. Really fascinating. They lived in peaceful coexistence until the spider’s death at the ripe old age of 3. Her delight of the memory was obvious, and her good intentions apparent. She believes that spiders are harmless pet like creatures, to be admired and revered.
Did her well-meaning trip down memory lane alleviate any of IrishWrath’s fears?
Not exactly. As the story unfolded with details on how clever this spider was, friendly, and fearless IrishWrath’s face grew graver and graver. I knew what he was thinking. “We should have killed that Huntsman when we had the chance, he has a map to my bedroom, and he’s coming back tonight!”
IrishWrath after the Co-op. Maybe he’s thinking about the spider’s return?
Have a look at a wolf spider here. I know I’d be getting out the vacuum cleaner if there was one under my bed.