Crazy Melbourne Weather!!
The weather here in Melbourne is often unpredictable. People affectionately refer to it as Four Seasons in One Day. You can wake up to rain and wind, and go to bed to sweltering heat. But last week the only season we experienced was THE WET. It rained, and rained, and for good measure rained a little more. What do you do when it rains and you are bonkers? You go for a walk!!
After two seconds in the sideways rain, I decided I like the rain much better when I am dry. But since I am a very good mother, and I try to never let my boys down, I vowed that they would get their walk. So I did the sensible thing, I sent my oldest to mind his younger brothers, and I waited inside. Good mother right?? Can you see how happy he was with the news? Agh, I love the rain 🙂