Easter Maps
I think I am in the Easter Bunny’s bad books today. Let me explain. Each year the Easter Bunny leaves a map of our house with the places marked to where he has hidden the eggs, money, and this year… Lego. Easy enough really. Make the map once, and reuse it each year. Here is last year’s map.
The problem was that last week I decided to rearrange the furniture, and I don’t think the Easter Bunny noticed till right before his visit last night. There was quite a substantial change, the dining table is in a completely different place. I imagine that he was quite angry about the last minute map job. Here is what he came up with.
Even better than last years! I thing he works well under pressure, don’t you? And maybe, to save himself stress next year, he needs to pay a little more attention around the house. I hope you all have a lovely Easter.