Handmade Christmas Cards
Happy New Year to all our readers. I hope the New Year brings you peace, joy and lots of love. Did everyone have a good Christmas? I hope so. We did. It was quiet, and we spent a lot of quality time together. We remembered our departed, and gave thanks for all our blessings.
Now that Christmas is over, I can show you the cards my boys made for some of our family. Hopefully they all received the cards, so I am not ruining the surprise. We do a Photo Christmas card every year, but my boys also made their own cards. The unfortunate thing is that their mammy is incredibly lazy and often doesn’t get her act together to post their beautiful handmade cards, shame on her. But this year she made the effort, and she is glad she did.
Here is a selection of the cards, all made with love and lots of glue.
IrishDoom used an elf theme with this card.
The inside with Santa hiding behind the tree.
Another elf themed card by IrishKing. Scary looking elves aren’t they?
The back of the card with plenty of warning signs.
What I like to call The Robbery in Progress Card.
Is this elf legit? Is he taking presents or leaving them?
Santa with a fake black beard, suspicious.
And the back. I think these are escaped convict elves.
A card by IrishCyborg.
Santa ate all the cookies, and this elf is not happy about it!
The back, and the elf is still unhappy. Boy do those elves hold a grudge!
I love handmade cards, do you?