Penguin Island

One of the things I was most excited to see in Western Australia was Penguin Island. It’s home to Western Australia’s largest colony of little penguins, and many other nesting birds, including pelicans. After looking at the website for Penguin Island, I decided we would get the most out of it if we did the Glass Bottom Boat Cruise, ‘to see penguins and sea lions’, and also see the Penguin Feeding.

Here’s a poster we made based on their website. I was super excited about our day ahead.



First things first, and a ferry ride across to Penguin Island. Would you believe it was my younger two’s first trip on a boat?

Penguin Island


We stepped off the ferry, to be greeted with a carpet of poop. Poopity, poop, poop.

Penguin Island


Next up, the Penguin and Sea Lion Cruise. IrishDoom was happy to be on another boat. His second boat trip of his life, five minutes after his first. He gave it the thumbs up.

Penguin Island


Off we set, with high hopes of seeing lots of animals in their native habitat. First we swung by a group of islands to see an osprey. See it, up on the top of the rock? What do you mean you can’t? It’s right there! To tell you the truth, I could barely see a small blur and nodded, yes I see it… (I’m not even sure this photo is of the group of rocks the the osprey was on, and we were a little closer than this when it was pointed out)

Penguin Island


Next to see some sea lions. There’s one on the beach. Crystal clear… with bionic eyes, or a zoom lens.

Penguin Island


“Is that it??!!!” Someone wasn’t impressed.

Penguin Island


Dolphins, you want to see dolphins? Well after a little sail around, some dolphins were spotted, and the captain did try to get a closer view. We did see a couple of fins, but not much else. Can you spot them?

Penguin Island


Haha, fooled ya! There aren’t any in the picture because I was too slow with the camera… and the eyes!

We got back to the island after 45 minutes of veiwing all the sea and seaweed through the glass at the bottom of the boat, and had a lovely walk around the island, enjoying a few minutes on each of the little beaches, and admiring the views. The beaches were also a great place to get away from the squawking of the seagulls. Can you tell I’m not a seagull lover?

Penguin Island


The island had a path the whole way round, and visitors are asked to stick to it, so as not to disturb nesting birds. The seagulls ensured compliance. Those things are quite scary when they descend on you en masse.


Look at this fine specimen of a flying pooping machine guarding her eggs. If you like seagulls, then Penguin Island is the place for you. They were EVERYWHERE!! Squawking, and flapping, and pooping.

Penguin Island


Who can blame them though, they are minding their soon to be babies.

Penguin Island


We did also see the Penguin Feeding, which involved a lady hand feeding 6 or 7 captive penguins. Here she told us of the unlikelihood of seeing penguins on the island as they would all be out in the sea during the day. (It does also say something to this effect on their website, but who reads the fine print?). We did see lots of pelicans. And let me tell you it was bloody scary when one of those flew over head, we all ducked hoping not to be a ‘target’. They are rather beautiful, and watching them soar was magical.

Penguin Island


Reading back, this post sounds like I didn’t enjoy Penguin Island, but I really did have a lovely day, it just wasn’t what I expected, and I don’t think it was worth the $200 odd we paid. But each to their own, and if you like birds, or just seagulls you will LOVE it there. I got IrishDev to do a mock up for a poster, that I am offering to Penguin Island if they ever decide to become more realistic with their advertising, and rename the island.


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