We’re back!

Hello, everyone!

After months of our mother pestering us to take over the blog, we are finally here. After being abandoned by our mother for cats, the blog has fallen into disrepair, leaving us free to do as we will with it. (Mwa-ha-ha)

Our mother is insisting that we write book reviews for schoolwork, so that is where we are starting.

We would prefer to spend our time reviewing our much-loved board games, but it may be a while before we get around to them.

Another change is that we will be referring to each other without our honorific, simply because it is repetitive, and can make our names indistinguishable at a second’s glance. (What is an honorific? In our case, it is the ‘Irish-‘ prefix. Is it big-headed to call it an honorific? I don’t think so)

It must be admitted, we are all incredibly lazy, so there will probably only be one post every week, and we are disabling comments since our talkative mother is no longer available to trawl through them.

It is likely that we won’t even work up the effort to change that horrible logo.

I, Wrath, have taken it upon myself to lead us through these dark times, by imposing deadlines upon the brothers, and giving myself a lot of time to procrastinate. That said, a leader is only as strong as his followers, so if a post is late, you know I’m not to blame.

Header Image raven

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