Get Dem Coins!
Another post by IrishCyborg!
Mum always says that money burns a hole in my pocket, and she’s right! I found these coins in Perth, and I needed them, all of them, and so I began my master plan. Muah-ha-ha-ha! It was simple: go to as many places with coins as possible, grab the coins, and get out of there, fast!
The main reason I like the coins is that unlike the Press-A-Pennies, they never have their images distorted, they’re circular, and they have a solid feeling to them. On the holiday, I collected a total of ten coins!
The first place I got a coin was at the Perth Mint, where you could actually see the coin get stamped. There was also a giant coin which would have been better if it was stamped like this.
Then, we went to Fremantle Prison. I stole the coin, so I had to be a prisoner. Not really, I’d never want to get locked up in that place.
I liked the tour of the prison nearly as much as the coin! I also got a pouch to store my coins. This pouch soon got stuffed.
After Fremantle Prison, we traveled to the Aviation Heritage Museum. As soon as I had the coin I saw no use in staying, but my parents wished to see the planes! I just slept while they had a look around.
On the fourth day of the holiday, it was time for some ocean coins! We went to the Maritime Museum. The coins were right at the entrance, so we got them, and I went to leave.
But, it turns out Mum wanted to see the boats. pfft. Boring. Luckily there was a ‘Bored Kid Play Area’ for me to pass the time.
And then to get more coins with as little “education” as possible, I asked Mum could we check if the Captain Cook Cruises Coin could be found at administration. It could. Ding! +1 coin!
After, we visited the Round House. It was the odd one out for the day because it didn’t have any ocean stuff. The Round House is the oldest public building Blah Blah Blah. It was on a hill, and I had to climb a zillion steps to get up. It was nearly not worth it for the coin!
We checked out the Shipwreck Galleries, and found the coin at the entrance. However, admission was free, so Mum forced us in! Nooo!
Mum wanted me to learn something on this holiday, and I did. Now I now what the seagulls do when you feed them!
On the last day, we decided not to try and get coins, except go back for the Penguin Island coin, which we found at the booking office. Phew, because we didn’t want to visit Seagull Island again!
We also went to Kings Park. 1000 acres of land and no coins, or so I thought! When we went to the gift shop, there were three different coins. Three! Mum let me get two. Yay!
If you’re ever visiting Perth, encourage your kids to learn by collecting these coins! By the way, I actually did enjoy some of the educational stuff, especially Fremantle prison.