Penultimate Adventure Take 2

We’re home from Queensland, and have been for ages, an eternity… is it time to go on holidays again? I feel the need to reminisce about our time there, to forget the present. Do you do that too? Out come the photos, and I go to my happy place. That’s what happens when you come home to sick dogs, and sick ferrets. I could tell you all about the vomit and poop, but I would rather share some happy memories. So I am looking at photos from our trip to cheer myself up, and remember my life before pet poop!

Penultimate Adventure Take 2


Last year when we went to Queensland we found a swimming enclosure with a wooden island in the middle that IrishKing had to swim to. Well, we knew this year he would need to return, and he would need to swim out to the island again. This time, not only was he joined by IrishCyborg like last year, but IrishDoom overcame his immense fear of sharks and sea creatures, and gave it a go. I was so proud of him. He did see some huge fish in the water, but luckily no sharks.

Penultimate Adventure Take 2


You may wonder where he could get such a fear? Truth be told it is probably from me. I know, I know! She is afraid of heights, and now sharks, and she is making her kids afraid too. Well, it’s true. I have passed my shark fear onto two of my boys. But you know that Australian waters do have a lot of sharks, and other dangerous creatures, and a little shark fear is healthy when you live here! Well, that’s how I look at it anyway.

Penultimate Adventure Take 2


IrishDev accompanied them over to the island and back, over and back, over and back. Boy, that man is fit! I, on the other hand, ain’t. But that is to change, and that is another story.

Penultimate Adventure Take 2


Every time they were in the deep water my heart was in my mouth. Did I tell you I am afraid of sharks? Well, imagine seeing my family in the water, while I imagine the worst. I can’t help it. I try not to, but it still happens. So the whole time instead of relaxing on the beautiful beach, I was up pacing the beach watching for fins, and hearing that bloody Jaws music in my head!


Why did I ever watch that stupid film? And when did I become such a worrier? Oh yeah I remember, the minute I became pregnant with my first! And it hasn’t stopped. Not for one second, not even when I am asleep. I think I have issues.

Penultimate Adventure Take 2


Hey, this post was to remember the good things about Queensland, not the time I spent stressed out, worrying about a shark attack! I need to look at other photos and find something relaxing to remember. Deep breaths, deep breaths!

Penultimate Adventure Take 2

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